The International EFNIL Conference
“Language and Migration” and the EFNIL General Assembly
on 11-13 October 2022
Courtyard by Marriott Vilnius City Center hotel, Castle Yard (2nd floor), Rinktinės str. 3, Vilnius
13.00–14.15 Arrival of guests, registration
14.15–15.00 Coffee break
15.00–17.00 EFNIL General Assembly
17.30–19.30 Excursion to the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania (Katedros sq. 4, Vilnius)
19.30 Welcome reception at the restaurant of the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania (Katedros sq. 4, Vilnius)
The Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, Seimas Palace: Building 3, Constitution Hall, Gedimino pr. 53, Vilnius
10.00–10.30 OPENING SESSION, chair Albina Auksoriūtė
Paulius Saudargas (Deputy Speaker of the Seimas), Albina Auksoriūtė (Director of the Institute of the Lithuanian Language),
Audrys Antanaitis (Chairperson of the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language), Genoveva Ruiz Calavera (Director-General of SCIC), Sabine Kirchmeier (EFNIL President)
10.30–13.00 SESSION I
Multiculturalism and Multilingualism, chair Birute Klaas-Lang
10.30–11.10 Tony Capstick
Language, migration and method: how to research a world on the move
11.10–11.30 Coffee break
11.30–12.10 Genoveva Ruiz Calavera
Language, Migration and Interpretation
12.10–12.30 Aurelija Tamulionienė
Migration and Linguistic Integration in Lithuania
12.30–13.00 Discussion
13.00–14.00 Lunch break
14.00–15.40 SESSION II
The Multilingual Workplace, chair Jutta Ransmayr
14.00–14.40 Kamilla Kraft
Language, work and migration: multilingual workplaces as a site of study
14.40–15.00 Ina Druviete, Jānis Valdmanis
Linguistic integration of immigrants and asylum seekers in Latvia: status quo and prognosed challenges
15.00–15.20 Amira-Louise Ouardalitou
Language and migration in Luxembourg
15.20–15.40 Discussion
15.40–16.00 Coffee break
16.00–17.00 SESSION III
Migration and Language Learning, chair Elena Tamba
16.00–16.20 Leena Nissilä and Nina Reiman
Language skills and participation through the language awareness and multiliteracies
16.20–16.40 Dimitrios Koutsogiannis, Maria Arapopoulou
Immigrant children’s language practices and their implications for language policy and teaching
16.40–17.00 Leonie Wulftange
Language learning in the Dutch speaking area of Belgium and the Netherlands: a more social perspective
18.30 Cultural programme (Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre, A. Vienuolio st. 1, Vilnius)
Courtyard by Marriott Vilnius City Center hotel, Castle Yard (2nd floor), Rinktinės str. 3, Vilnius
9.00–9.40 SESSION IV
EFNIL Master’s Thesis Awards, chair Åse Wetås, Ari Páll Kristinsson
9.00–9.20 Riccardo Bravi
Deutsche Bundesbank and Banca d’Italia. The Encyclopedic Knowledge Shared in a Socio-Professional Community of
9.20–9.40 Chiara Ceppi
The Face and Voice of SBB CFF FFS: A Sociolinguistic Study of Multilingualism for the Branding of a Swiss Institution
9.40–12.20 SESSION V
Language and Migration Policy, chair Anna Dąbrowska
9.40–10.00 Marin Mõttus
Estonia: a small nation with a large diaspora. How to support the Estonian language skills of our population living abroad
10.00–10.30 Coffee break
10.30–10.50 Elżbieta Sękowska
The language of Polish emigration in the world: research methods and sources
10.50–11.10 Claire-Lyse Chambron, Claire Extramiana
Migration and language education. Challenges and solutions for French and European public institutions dealing with migration and multilingual intercultural exchanges
11.10–11.30 Taras Kremin
Russian policy of linguocide in the occupied territories of Ukraine as a way of dismantling the constitutional order of Ukraine and an element of genocide against the Ukrainian people
11.30–12.00 Panel discussion (Chair Andreas Witt)
12.00–12.20 Closing remarks
12.20–13.30 Lunch break
14.00–15.00 Forum on Language Policy “Language Policy in Europe: Myths and Reality”
Forum on Language Policy “Language Policy in Europe: Myths and Reality”
Courtyard by Marriott Vilnius City Center hotel, Castle Yard (2nd floor), Rinktinės str. 3, Vilnius
Following the EFNIL conference, it is proposed to hold a discussion with the representatives and the Executive Committee of EFNIL and the representatives of Lithuanian governmental and non-governmental organisations on 13 October. During the discussion, the EFNIL organisation, European language institutions and the language situation in different countries would be introduced. The Lithuanian public lacks information on language policy in different EU countries; therefore, during the meeting, it would be useful to provide such information and discuss the possibility of a more active inter-institutional cooperation.
The main purpose of this event is to present the EFNIL organisation and the situation of languages to the Lithuanian public, and to use the conference to disseminate information and seek opportunities for collaboration.
The meeting would end with a press conference.